Gain a Thorough Insight into Japanese Culture

Japan is known for its fascinated and multifaceted culture. It is the society which is globally known for its state of rapid flux, constantly shifting fads and fashion and technology that set new benchmarks for the rest of the world. Along with that, it is rooted with traditions dating back thousands of years. With such interesting facts, Japan becomes a fascinating country to explore.

If you are not sure, what you can find in this country, here’s a brief description about Japanese culture.

Culture of Japan

Japanese culture is enriched with the tradition of Geisha, Japanese gardens, Samurai, Japanese tea ceremony, kimonos and its fashion. Interestingly, traditional Japanese has its roots in the traditional Chinese culture, even though both are historically different. There are few reasons behind the differentiation in their cultures like the enforced isolation of Japan from the outside world, separation of two land masses and differences in their cultures.

Though initial inspiration of historical culture has been taken from China, but within a short period, designs have been evolved into a distinctively Japanese style which is evident from current Japanese garden and temples. The Great Hall Horyuji Temple in Nara is the first Buddhist temple which was built in Japan and it follows the styles from Sui Dynasty of China. Irony is that at present, the younger Chinese generation look to modern Japanese culture to take some inspiration particularly in the field of fashion.


The population of Japan has an assumed ethnic and social homogeneity. At present, in a Japanese society you will find three distinctive population groups in Japan namely, Ainu, Ryukyuan and Yamato (main Japanese) population.


Apart from that, there are Koreans, Chinese and Brazilians among many others that contribute in Japanese diverse population.


For many centuries, Japanese people have operated with a belief that Shinto and Buddhist rituals coexist side by side. This is reason why in Japan are said to be born in Shinto, get married in Christian community and then die as Buddhist. Further, religion in Japan is not a doctrine, and it is hardly preached. Japanese people’s religion is instead a private, family affair.

Social Norms

There are various social norms in Japan which are hard to understand by the westerners but this is what makes Japanese culture so different and Japan a fun place to visit. Manners and customs are the two important facets of Japanese life. One of the well-known social conventions in Japan is to bow to express respect, gratitude, remorse and greeting.


Further, it is mandatory in Japan to take off shoes before entering a traditional guesthouse, temple, home or occasional restaurant. Surprising, tipping in Japanese restaurants is not accepted as Japanese people believe to offer their best services and do their job proudly.


Japanese cuisine is one of the finest things that you will experience during your visit to Japan. Though many people believe Japan is all about traditionally famous dishes like sushi, noodles tempura, rice, Kobe beef and teriyaki, but there’s lot more to explore. Japanese local shops have the innumerable varieties of seaweed, mushrooms and fishes on their shelves.

Further, Japan is said to be the country of drinkers where you will hear many words for green words. Most famous among them is Matcha, which is a finely grounded and powdered tea, used for Japanese tea ceremony.

Other than that, there is a mysterious and enthralling world of Geisha in Japan which are said to be Japan’s highly skilled entertainers. Then, the horticultural arts can be experienced in Japanese garden, while the story of Manga (comics) and Anime (Animation) has become a global phenomenon already. If that’s not enough, then you might be interested into the Samurai-Japan’s famous warrior class, or Japan’s strong theatrical tradition.

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